Saturday, April 11, 2009

One is the loneliest number? Not for Corgan!

Billy Corgan is all that is left of what once was “ The Smashing Pumpkins”. Although completely by his lonesome he insists the music he is creating is still the Pumpkins. He released a very long, well-written message to his fans yesterday explaining his reasonings.

When Jimmy Chamberlin and Billy Corgan toured using the name The Smashing Pumpkins I couldn't help but be skeptical. If a band is not united in its entirety, can they still be considered that band?Can half the members still be considered a whole? It's different when a member dies and has to be replaced, but the majority of the members are still the originals. But when a band dismembers for creative differences it's likely the authenticity of the band's original sound will no longer exist.

Now completely alone, Billy Corgan is continuing to use the Smashing Pumpkins name. Opposed to using a different name to start an independent solo career he is hanging on to SP. But with that comes a great deal of expectations. Fans who worshiped their unique goth rock, dream pop and often psychedelic sound will expect just that, to pick up where Machina left off. But how can one hope for such greatness as: 1979 , Ava adore, or Disarm, with only one great mind behind it all?

Billy hopes to have 44 songs written to release over the next 3 years. Songs rumored to be released from the archives (when the band was really still a band) is all tied up in legal hullabaloo because there is an obscene amount of suing going on between EMI and various former band members.

We'll have to wait and see if Corgan can carry the immense weight that is the awesomeness of The Smashing Pumpkins.

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